Health & Safety Policy


Health and Safety Policy

It is the policy of Cholsey Community Development Trust (CCDT) to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that its operation and services are conducted in such a manner as to prevent harm or injury to employees, residents, contractors, visitors, property and the environment.

CCDT recognises its duty to take all reasonable steps to continuously review and make improvements when and where necessary, in Health, Safety and Welfare standards, and also to ensure that its statutory obligations are met at all times.

CCDT also considers that there must be co-operation between management, employees and others who may be affected by the way in which we carry out our work, if the highest standards in Health and Safety are to be achieved.

Our statement of general policy is:

• to observe Health and Safety Law;
• to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
• to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
• to provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
• to ensure safe handling and use of substances;
• to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and volunteers;
• to ensure all employees and volunteers are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
• to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;
• to maintain safe and healthy working conditions;
• provide and maintain open channels of communication to enable employees, residents, visitors and contractors to raise health and safety issues; and
• to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Overall and final responsibility for health and safety is that of the Trustees of The Trust.
Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice is delegated to the staff involved with relevant activities, who will be the Trust’s (acting) Chief Officer.

All employees and volunteers have to:
• co-operate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters;
• not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety;
• take reasonable care of their own health and safety; and
• report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement).

Health and safety risks arising from our work activities
Risk assessments will be undertaken by relevant and responsible staff for specific activities.
The findings of the risk assessments will be reported to the line manager for the Community Development work, and to the (acting) Chief Officer for all other activities.
Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by the line manager for the Community Development work, and to the (acting) Chief Officer for all other activities.
The line manager for the Community Development work, or the (acting) Chief Officer for all other activities, will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented. The same staff will then check that the implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks.
Assessments will be reviewed every three months or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.

The Trust’s (acting) Chief Officer is responsible for managing the day to day practical implementation of the Policy and Procedures. To fully assist and contribute in the process, they will:
• Ensure the practical implementation of Health and Safety policies and procedures
• Ensure operations under their control are, as far as is reasonably practicable, conducted without detriment to the health and safety of employees or others who may be affected by their activities
• Ensure their area of responsibility is subject to risk assessment and regular monitoring
• Ensure all accidents within their area of responsibility are reported. Reviewing such reports and ensuring where necessary, an investigation is carried out and appropriate remedial action taken
• Encourage all employees under their control to be involved in matters of Health and Safety
• Ensure that Health and Safety is included within each employee’s annual appraisal process
• Ensure that Health and Safety is a regular agenda item team meetings
• Set a personal example at all times

Consultation with employees
The Trust will consult with employees on the following:
• any new measure which may substantially affect their health and safety at work, for example new equipment, new ways of working and new procedures
• arrangements for getting competent people to help satisfy health and safety laws
• the information we give to employees on the risks to health and safety arising from their work, measures to reduce or get rid of these risks and what they should do if they are exposed to a risk, including emergency procedures
• planning and organising health and safety training and
• the health and safety consequences for them of any new technology we plan to introduce.
The information provided to employees will be in a form that can be easily understood.

The Trust will consult directly with employees through team meetings and face-to-face discussions.
The Trust will allow enough time for employees to consider the issues and give informed responses. Employees are encouraged to ask questions, raise concerns and make recommendations.
The Trust will take employees’ views into account before a final decision is made, respond to any concerns and questions raised and explain the final decision and why it has been taken.

Employee’s Responsibilities
All employees are required to:
• Co-operate in implementing the requirements of the Health and Safety policies and procedures
• Refrain from doing anything that constitutes a danger to themselves or others
• Immediately bring to the attention of their line manager any situations or practices that are noted which might lead to injuries or ill health
• Ensure equipment issued to them, or for which they are responsible, is correctly used and properly stored
• Ensure good standards of housekeeping are maintained in areas in which they are working
• Report all accidents in accordance with the Health and Safety Management System
• Set a personal example at all times

Safe equipment
The (acting) Chief Officer will be responsible for identifying all equipment needing maintenance, and will be responsible for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up. The (acting) Chief Officer will then be responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance is implemented.
Any problems found with equipment should be reported to the (acting) Chief Officer in the first.
The (acting) Chief Officer will check that new equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased.

Safe handling and use of substances
The Trust does not currently use or store any substances which need a COSHH assessment.

Information, instruction and supervision
The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed at the Trust’s offices.
Health and safety advice is available from the (acting) Chief Officer.

Competency for tasks and training
Induction training will be provided for all employees and volunteers.
Job specific training is not required for any jobs within The Trust.
Training records are kept at/by by the line manager for the Community Development work, and by the acting Chief Officer for all other activities.
Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by the line manager for the Community Development work, and by the acting Chief Officer for all other activities.

Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health
Health surveillance is not required in relation to any jobs at the Trust.
The first aid box(es) is/are kept in the Cricket Pavilion and at the Trust office in the Great Hall.
All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be recorded in the accident book. The book is kept by/at the Trust office in the Great Hall.
Appointed person(s)/first aider(s) will be trained and identified for all Trust activities
The (acting) Chief Officer is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority.

To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, we will
 carry out inspections and spot checks
 investigate any accidents or sickness absences that occur.
 the acting Chief Officer is responsible for investigating accidents.
 the acting Chief Officer is responsible for investigating work-related causes of sickness absences.
 the acting Chief Officer is responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent a recurrence.

Emergency procedures – fire and evacuation
The (acting) Chief Officer is responsible for ensuring the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented.
Escape routes are checked by (acting) Chief Officer every month or more frequently for any special events organized at the Great Hall or Cricket Pavilion.
Fire extinguishers are provided and will be serviced annually, along with any fire alarm system.
Alarm and emergency evacuation drills will be prepared, rehearsed and formally implemented.

External Consultants

External Fire Safety consultants will be responsible for providing professional Fire safety advice, as required, and they will fulfil the role of “Competent Person”, meeting the requirements as outlined within the Regulatory Reform [fire safety] Order 2005 for the time being in the relevant area.”

Approved by Cholsey Community Development Trust Board

15th July, 2013